Most of my recent talks are about mathematical sculptures, math-history, or math software such as visualization software.
However, you will notice that my presentations are not the dry kind of math stuff you may expect. Indeed, in all of my talks, I either use mathematical experiments, mathematical sculptures, or interactive illustrations, or several of them.
I give talks for different kinds of audiences:
- general public: e.g. at exhibitions or when presenting my jewelry,
- professional mathematicians: e.g. at university seminars on mathematical models, math history, or computational algebraic geometry,
- kids: e.g. at presentations in schools or at exhibits targeting children.
Some Recent and Upcoming Talks
I am one of the few people in the world who produce a large number of highest quality mathematical models and sculptures with strong relations to interesting mathematics, and often to fascinating aspects of math history. Therefore, many of my recent invited talks are related to mathematical models and/or their history:
- Febuary 19, 2019: New Names for Old Surfaces, invited talk at a history of mathematical models seminar at the university of Wuppertal (Germany)
- January 31, 2019: Cubic Surface Models and their Historical and Mathematical Background, Invited talk at the FU Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
- December 9, 2018: A – Creating math shapes from equations – blog, Imaginary 2018 Conference, Montevideo (Uruguay)
- May 9, 2018: 3d printed mathematical sculptures. Invited talk at the TU Dresden, Dresden (Germany).
- November 23, 2017: 3d-Drucke zwischen Kunst und Mathematik – Form folgt Funktion. Invited talk at Hochschule RheinMain, Rüsselsheim (Germany).
- April 28, 2017: 45 Cubic Surface Models — from Plaster Models to interactive 3d-Software and 3d-Printing. Invited talk at Strasbourg (France).
- April 3, 2017: The path towards the math sculptures business MO-Labs. Invited talk at INRIA, Nice (France).
- March 7, 2017: Invitation to teach the very last 2 hours of a math course at a German school (a “Gymnasium” at Mainz (Germany)) on some of the math behind mathematical models.
- July 24-31, 2016: ICME Hamburg (Germany). Invited Talk and exhibition (with S. Halverscheid) on Felix Klein and mathematical models during the thematic afternoon on Wednesday.
- June 28, 2016: Invited Talk/Workshop at ICERM (Providence, USA) on algebraic surfaces, their visualisations and 3D-models.
- Oct. 27, 2015: Talk “On Alfred Clebsch and Cubic Surfaces” at the history of mathematics meeting at MFO, Oberwolfach (Germany).
- March 13, 2014: Invited talk at Nancy (France) on cubic surface models.
- March 2010: Visualization Challenges in Algebraic Geometry,
in Auron (France), at a workshop on geometric modeling of a EU project. - February 2010: Towards Visualization Tools for Convex Algebraic
Geometry, at Banff (Canada), invited to a Banff workshop. - December 2007: Visualization Challenges in Real Algebraic
Geometry. Invited Speaker at the MACIS 2007 conference, at Paris, Frankreich.