CV (Curriculum Vitae)


Since 2023, I’ve been professor for mathematics at IU international university, Germany, teaching mathematics and doing research in various areas of mathematics, including math illustrations, math history, and math didactics.

Since 2002, and more intensely since 2010, I’ve been running my business called MO-Labs. For my business, I create  mathematical sculptures (e.g. using 3d printing or laser-in-glass) and other mathematical objects such as mathematical models, mathematical illustrations, interactive illustrations, mathematical software, websites, etc. Moreover, I give talks about historical and modern math objects. Another focus is the creation of math-related exhibitions.

Since 1999, I’ve been creating visualizations of abstract mathematical objects, in particular of algebraic surfaces; and since 2003, I’ve been using machines such as 3d printers, laser cutters, laser-in-glas, to actually create real-world objects from abstract mathematical ones.

Although I am not affiliated to any university, I frequently teach at different universities, including teaching for elderly people in the 50plus program of the Johannes Gutenberg University at Mainz, and basic courses related to algebra and geometry at the applied Rhein-Main university at Wiesbaden and/or Rüsselsheim, near Frankfurt. For my lecture on mathematics for computer scientists I was awarded a teaching award in 2012 by the computer science students at Saarland University.

For my math objects, math research, math teaching, and math talks, please see the other sections of this website.


Some of my fields of interests included, by are not limited to the following:

  • math illustrations have been a major interest of mine even long before having been involved in research,
  • my first research focus was algebraic geometry with computational and historical aspects, about 1999-now (still now as part of my business),
  • then applications of this to computer science and architecture, with a focus on geometric modeling, about 2006-now (still now as part of my business),
  • then applications of this to math didactics, about 2009-now (still now as part of my business and as part of my professor position),
  • and finally applications of this to the history of mathematics with a focus on 19th century mathematics, in particular mathematical 3d-models created during this period, about 2003-now (still now as part of my business).

In my business MO-Labs I am now combining all of these diverse backgrounds: higher geometry (not only algebraic, but also differential, discrete, etc.) for creating abstract math objects, geometric modeling for realizing them as a 3d data set for 3d-printing or laser-in-glass, math didactics because I need to know which objects may be used for teaching, and math history because I need to know which objects have a history and how I should incorporate this in my own creations.

Similarly, in my teaching and research, I use many of the aspects mentioned above; e.g., in my current approach to the history of mathematics, in addition to my math historical knowledge, I often also use both my math knowledge and my computational mathematics competences and my interactive geometry practice acquired over the last couple of decades.

Positions – current

  • 2023-now: Professor for mathematics at IU international university, Germany.
  • 2012-now: Since 2012 I have been running my own math design business called MO-Labs, first part time, now full time. For other positions I held in the past, see below.

Temporary professor positions

  • 03.2011-07.2011: temporary professor for mathematics and its didactics at the university of Cologne, Germany
  • 04.2008-08.2008: temporary professor for algebra, university of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Other research and teaching positions

  • 11/2020-06/2023: position in a research project on the history of caustics at the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
  • 10/2015-09/2016: 50%-position at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, in the history of math and science group
  • 10/2014-09/2016: 50%-position at the university of Potsdam, Germany, in the math didactics group, in the e-learning EU project called “MC Squared” creating interactive math books for tables etc.
  • 03/2014-09/2014: 50%-position at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, in the math didactics group, in the e-learning EU project called “MC Squared” creating interactive math books for tables etc.
  • 04/2006-03-2013: full position at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, in the math and computer science group
  • 10.2005-03.2006: full position at the RICAM research institute, Linz, Austria, in the computer algebra group
  • 07.2001-10.2005: 50% position at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, for preparing my dissertation in mathematics (algebraic geometry)

Pure teaching positions

08.2009-07.2011: math teacher of a 7th and 8th grade school class at the Sebastian Münster Gymnasium, Ingelheim, Germany (3-4 hours per week, parallel to my full position at Saarland university)


  • 2005: Ph.D. (mathematics, algebraic geometry), Ph.D. thesis Hypersurfaces with Many Singularities, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany).
  • 2001: Diploma (mathematics, algebraic geometry), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany). Diplomarbeit: Kubische Flächen und die Coblesche Hexaederform.
  • 1997: Maîtrise mathématiques, Université de la Picardie Jules Verne (France). Thèse: Les groupes libres et leurs sous-groupes.
  • 1994-2001: Studies of mathematics (main subject), computer science, and economics, at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany), and (in the year 1996/97) at the Université de la Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens (France).


  • 1996-97: One year of math studies in Amiens (France).
  • 1998: Participant (we came in 5th) at the Robocup ’98 roboter soccer world cup as part of the team “Mainz Rolling Brains” of the computer science department of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. See an article by Daniel Polani et al on this team.
  • 1997-1998: During my studies: one year in the excutive board of the student organization AIESEC in the local committee at Mainz, Germany.